Professor Dr. Md. Mozammel Hoque Professor, Department of Archaeology
Dr. Md. Mozammel Hoque is a Professor in the Dept of Archaeology, at Jahangirnagar University. Prof Hoque completed his Ph.D. in Archaeology, from Poona University, India, in 1993. From Sept. 1987 to the present time, he taught World Prehistory, Ancient World Civilisation, Ancient Art & Architecture of South Asia, Ancient and Medieval South Asian History, Hindu and Buddhist Iconography, Field Archaeology, History of Archaeology, South Asian Prehistory, Coins and Inscription, Ethnology Archaeology, Bangladesh Archaeology, and Ancient Indian Religion. He received a research fellowship awarded by the Ford Foundation for the Ph. D. and Charles Wallace Research Fellow From January to March 2002, at the Institute of Archaeology, University College of London. Prof. Hoque is the Life Member of the Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies; the Indian Archaeological Society; Itihas Samity of Bangladesh; Paschim Banga Itihas Sangsad (West Bengal History Association). He is also a member of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh; a Member of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association and Member of World Archaeological Congress
Prehistory, Iconography, Ancient Religion and Interpretative Archaeology
1. 1992. Material Ramains of the Chalcolithic Culture in the Lower Ganga Plain The Jahangirnagar University Review: VI, Part C.
2. 1993. Pre and Protohistoric Settlement Pattern of the Lower and Middle Ganga Valley. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Poona University.
3. 1994. Neolithic Settlement Pattern of the Lower Ganga Plain Pratnatattava, Vol.1: 32-43 Journal of the Archaeological Department, Jahangirnagar University.
4. 1995. Evidence of Mesolithic Culture in the Ganga Plain Area of West Bengal Pratnatattava Vol.2: 13-26, Journal of the Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University.
5. 1995. (in Bengali) Uttar Banger Manav Vasatir Prathamic Dhara (Early Human Settlement Pattern of North Bengal), Dinajpur: Itihas-o-Oitijya (Ed. S. Ahmed), Bangladesh Itihas Samity: 1-17.
6. 1996. Pre-Muslim Settlement and Chronology of Savar Region, Pratnatattava Vol. 3 : 7-16, Journal of the Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University (jointly with S.M.K. Ahsan and S.S.M. Rahman)
7. 1996-97. Mesolithic Culture of the Middle Ganga Valley: A Review in The Jahangirnagar Review Part-C Vol. VIII: 113-136.
8. 1997. Ancient Human Settlement Pattern of Bangladesh: A Preliminary Study Journal of Bengal Art: The International Centre for Study of Bengal Art Vol. 2: 283-300, Dhaka Bangladesh. (jointly with S. Hoque)
9. 1998. Semi-Precious Stone Beads from Wari and Bateshwar Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Humanity Vol. 43. No.2. December: 25-37 (jointly with S. Pawankar, S.M.K. Ahsan and S.S.M. Rahman).
10. 1999. Prehistory of Chunarughat Site and Sylhet: A Preliminary Study, in Sylhet History and Heritage, (Ed. Sharif Uddin Ahmed), Bangladesh Itihas Samity: 83-90 (jointly with S.M.K. Ahsan and S. Pawankar).
11. 1999. Environment and Cultural System: An Actualistic Study of Kagujipara Potters Pratnatattva Vol. 5: 1-20, Journal of Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University (jointly with Swadhin Sen).
12. 2000. (in Bengali). Megalithic Antiquities of Jaintapur: An Ethno-archaeological Study, Pratnatattva 6: 39-52 (jointly with Bubul Ahmed and A. Paul).
13. 2002. Landscape and Human Occupation in Bangladesh from Prehistoric Period to the Early Medieval Period Pratnatattva Vol. 8: 85-98, Journal of Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University.
14. 2004.Understanding the Paharpur Temple Architecture in New Perspective, in Proceedings of the International Seminar on Elaboration of an Archaeological Research Strategy for Paharpur World Heritage Site and its Environment, Bangladesh 20-25 March, 2004: 59-66. Dhaka: Department of Archaeology, Ministry of Cultural Affairs Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and UNESCO (jointly with Seema Hoque).
15. 2005. A preliminary Study on the role of plants and animals at Badigaon agricultural community: an ethno-bio-archaeological perspective, in Prtnatattva vol. 11, Dhaka: Journal of Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University (jointly with Seema Hoque).
16. 2008. A Debate on Prehistory of Bangladesh. Pratnatattva vol. 14. Journal of Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University (jointly with Seema Hoque and S.M.K. Ahsan).
17. 2008. Human Occupation in Bangladesh During Early Historic Period: An Overview, in Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia edited by Gautam Sen Gupta and Sharmi Chakraborty. New Delhi: Pragati Publications in collaboration with Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training Eastern India
18. 2009. Interpretation of Megalithic Archaeological Records: An Ethno-Archaeological Study on the Basis of Present Burial Practice in the Khasia community at Jaintapur, Bangladesh. Pratnatattva Vol. 15. Journal of Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University
19. 2009. Sea Level Rise and Its Impact on Archaeological Sites of South Bangladesh: A Preliminary Study, in Man and Water edited by Caludia Nickel et.al. Dhaka: Goethe Institute, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Commission for Non-European Archaeology (KAAK) (jointly with M.M. Hoque).
20. 2011. The Role of Art and Archaeology in Ancient and Medieval Historical Research in The Strategy of Teaching-Learning Quality Development in Islamic History and Culture edited by A.B.M. Husain and Md. Fazlul Haque. Rajshahi: Department of Islamic History, Rajshahi University.
21. 2014. (Bengali) Dhakar Prachin Itihas: Ekati Pratnatattvik Paryalochana in Pratnatattva Vol. 20 Journal of Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University.
22. 2014. Rethinking of Buddhist Architecture of Bangladesh in Typological Perspective in Pratnatattva Vol. 20 Journal of Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University (jointly with Seema Hoque).
23. 2019. New Understanding of Buddhist Cruciform Temples in Early Medieval Bengal in Pratnatattva Vol. 25 Journal of Archaeology Department, Jahangirnagar University (jointly with Seema Hoque).
- 1994. (in Bengali) Uttar Banger Manav Vasatir Prathamic Dhara (Early Human Settlement Pattern of North Bengal), paper presented at the Conference of Itihas Samity held at Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
- 1995. Cultural Sequence of the Lower Ganga Plain, paper presented in Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. 1996. Ancient Settlement Pattern of Bangladesh: A Preliminary Study, Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS) held at Delhi, India.
- 1997. Ancient Semi-precious Beads from Wari-Bateshwar of Narshingdi District, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International centre for the study of Bengal Art (ICSBA), (jointly with S. Pawankar and others).
- 1998. Prehistory of Sylhet: A Preliminary Report. Paper presented at the Conference of Itihas Samity held in Sylhet, Bangladesh. (jointly with S. Pawankar and S.M. K. Ahsan)
- 2002. Landscape and Human Occupation in Bangladesh from Prehistoric period to Early Medieval period (C. 1500 BC to 1200 AD), paper presented in the International Conference on South Asian Landscape Archaeology, held at Institute of Archaeology, University College of London, 11 th and 12 th February.
- 2002. Human Occupation of Bangladesh from Prehistoric period to Early Medieval period, paper presented in the Department of Archaeology, Durham University, 18 th March.
- 2004. Understanding the Paharpur Temple in New Perspective (Jointly with Seema Hoque) in the International Seminar on Elaboration of an Archaeological Research Strategy for Paharpur World Heritage site and its Environment Bangladesh 20-25 March 2004.
- 2006. Paper presented on Problems and Prospects of Scientific Survey in Archaeological sites of Bangladesh: A case study in Phulbari Coal Mine area in the Seminar on Archaeology in Bangladesh and Germany held at Goethe Institute, Dhaka on 6 th December 2006.
- 2008. Paper presented jointly with Prof. M.M. Hoque on Sea Level Rise and Its Impact on Archaeological Sites of South Bangladesh: A Preliminary Study in seminar held in the Goethe-Institute Bangladesh in collaboration with the Embassy of the Federal republic of Germany, the German Commission for Non-European Archaeology (KAAK), the GTZ Office Dhaka and the Association of Alumnis of German Universities in Bangladesh on 27 th - 29 th October 2008
- 2002. Prehistoric and Protohistoric Settlement Pattern of Bengal Delta. Ankur Prakashani: Dhaka.
- 2005. Jointly with Dr. Seema Hoque. Kantajee Temple: An Outstanding Monument of Late Medieval Bengal. UNESCO, Bangladesh.
- 2010. Edited Selected Essays on History and Archaeology- Papers Presented in Memory of Professor Abu Imam’ jointly with A.T. M. Atiqur Rahman and Seema Hoque Dhaka: Centre for Archaeology and Heritage Research, Bangladesh.
- 2018. Edited History of Bangladesh (Early Bengal in Regional Perspectives up to c. 1200 CE), Vol- 1 & 2, jointly with Abdul Momin Chowdhury, Ranabir Chakravarti, Shahnaj Husne Jahan, Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
Professor Dr. Md. Mozammel Hoque
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01911447525
Email: mozammelhoque@juniv.edu