Sabina Yasmin Lecturer, Department of Statistics and Data Science
Sabina Yasmin has been completed her BSc and MSc degree in Statistics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. She secured the first position in order of merit with highest CGPA in BSc and MSc programs, respectively. She has achieved "Prime Minister Gold Medal 2017" for securing highest CGPA in the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
Econometrics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology
12. Huq, M. N., Khan, S., Yasmin, S., & Hossain, Md. M., Strategic investment and program effectiveness: a roadmap to ending AIDS in Bangladesh by 2030, AIDS Care, pp.1-14, 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2024.239713211. Sumon, I. H., Akter, S., Sujon, M. S. H., Alam, M. K., Yasmin, S., Yeasmin, S., Kabir, M. A., & Hossain, M. M., Determinants of Stunting among Under Five Children: Evidence from Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey 2021–22, Child: Care, Health & Development., 2024.
10. Yasmin, S., Khan, S., Huq, M. N., HIV Self Testing among Adolescent and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender in Bangladesh-Willingness and Preferences around Self Testing., Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies (JUJSS), 37, pp.139-153., 2023.
9. Saima Khan, Shale Ahmed, Rahat Ara Nur, Sabina Yasmin, Mohammad Alamgir Kabir, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Opinions about HIV Self Testing among Adolescent and Young Men who have Sex Men (MSM) and Transgender (TG) in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Exploration to Inform HIV Program, HIV & AIDS Review. International Journal of HIV-Related Problems, 2023. doi: Accepted
8. Nahid Salma, Md. Moyazzem Hossain, Sabina Yasmin, Muhammad Khairul Alam, Ahsan Rajvee Rimon, Jobaer Faruque, Mohammed Ali, Factors influencing plasma donation behavior of COVID-19 recovered patients in Bangladesh- A pilot study, Health Science Reports, 6, 1, pp.pp.e974, 2023.
7. Nahid Salma, Md. Moyazzem Hossain, Sabina Yasmin, Muhammad Khairul Alam, K.M. Rafiqul Alam, Assessing Mental Health Status among COVID-19 Recovery Patients in Bangladesh- A Pilot Study, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 43, 3, 2022.
6. Farhana Akter Bina, Sabina Yasmin, Saima Khan, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, HIV Estimation and Projection in Bangladesh up to 2030, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies (JUJSS), 36, pp.201-210, 2022.
5. Mohammad Khairul Alam, Ferdous Bin Ali, Rajon Banik, Sabina Yasmin, Nahid Salma, Assessing the mental health condition of home-confined University level students of Bangladesh due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Public Health, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10389-021-01542-w
4. Sabina Yasmin, Md. Hazrat Ali, Shafika Rahman, Nahid Salma, Preference and Feasibility of Online Classes among Bangladeshi Students during COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics, 22, 1, 2021.
3. Sabina Yasmin, Muhammad Khairul Alam, Ferdous Bin Ali, Rajon Banik, Nahid salma, Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Among People from the Banking Sector in Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (IJMA), 20(3), pp.1485-1499, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-020-00456-0
2. Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Saima Khan, Atikur Rahman, Rawnak Jahan, Sabina Yasmin, Ending HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Bangladesh by 2030, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, 11, 7, pp.11-14, 2020. doi: 10.37421/jar.2020.11.812
1. Md. Torikul Islam , Sabina Yasmin Nahid Salma, Socio-economical Profile and Factors Associated with Migrated Rickshaw Pullers in Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh, Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics, 9, 1, pp.9–15, 2020.
Sabina Yasmin
Department of Statistics and Data Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01936077588
Email: sabina.stat@juniv.edu