Dr. M. Mesbahuddin Sarker Professor, Institute of Information Technology
Dr. M. Mesbahuddin Sarker ( ড. এম. মেসবাহউদ্দিন সরকার ) works as a Professor (Formar Director) at the Institute of Information Technology (IIT), Jahangirnagar University (JU).
He obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Mathematics Department of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. Also completed M.Sc. in Communication Systems from the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Ph.D. from Jahangirnagar University in the field of Algorithm.
Dr. Sarker regularly writes popular articles (column) on the daily newspaper since 2005, in the area of IT and education.
Database, AI, IoT, Media and Communication, Digitization etc.
36. Khadiza Tul Kubra, Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund, Waleed M. Al-Nuwaiser, Md Assaduzzaman, Md. Suhag Ali, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2024): “Integrated IoT-Driven System with Fuzzy Logic and V2X Communication for Real-Time Speed Monitoring and Accident Prevention in Urban Traffic”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 15 Issue 8, 2024.
35. Tajim Md Niamat Ullah Akhund, Nishat Tasnim Newaz and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2023):, “Internet of Things Based Low-Cost Health Screening and Mask Recognition System”, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), 2023.
34. Md. Jahurul Islam, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, Taslim Taher (2023): “Dotriacontal Number System in Computer and Error Detection”, Applied Information System and Management (AISM) Volume 6, (2) 2023, p. 105-112 P-ISSN: 2621-2536; E-ISSN: 2621-2544; DOI: 10.15408/aism.v6i2.33291, 2023.
33. Md. Rayef Enama, Subhasish Ghoshb and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2023): “Child drowning prevention: GPS and LoRa based emergency alert system”, Indonesian Journal of Computer Science (IJCS), Vol. 12 No. 4, 2023.
32. Tajim Md Niamat Ullah Akhund, Nishat Tasnim Newaz and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2023):, “Covid-19 Effects on Private Tuition in Bangladesh and Internet of Things based support system”, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), ISSN (2210-142X), Vol.13, No.1 (May-2023), Scopus indexed.
31. S.M Najrul Howlader, Md. Mukter Hossai, Romana Perveen, Kaniz Fatema and
M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2022):”Intelligently Speech Recognition and Conversion with Noise”, International Journal of Current Research (ISSN: 0975-833X) Vol. 14, Issue, 09, pp.22195-22198, September, 2022.
30. Nixon Dutta and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2022): “A Tracking Solution of IT Assets and Resources Management”, International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research (IJMCR), Vol. 10, Issue 07, July 2022.
29. Md. Robel Hossain, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2022): “IoT Based Android Controlled Robot System: Design and Implementation”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Sciences and Engineering Studies (IJIRSES) www.ijirses.com ISSN: 2583-1658 | Volume: 2 Issue: 6 | 2022.
28. Khondokar Oliullah, Mesbahuddin Sarker M, Abu Sayeed Arif, Adeyl Khan M (2022): “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF MOBILE USERS IN THE COVID-19 SITUATION: A BANGLADESH PERSPECTIVE SURVEY”, Business Studies Journal, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022.
27. Quazi Maliha Masud, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, Alistair Barros, Md Whaiduzzaman (2022): “GoFearless: A Safety and Security Android Based Application for Women”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2022, pp. 22-30. doi: 10.11648/j.ijiis.20221102.12
26. Moumita Chanda, Sadiya Rahman, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2022): “Impact of Internet Connectivity on Education System in Bangladesh During Covid-19”, Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, ISSN: 0975-0290, 2022.
25. Mesbahuddin Sarker and Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund (2020): “IoT based Remort Sensing Wireless Android Controller Robot“, Faculty of Mathemaical and Physical Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Sponsored by the University Grants Commission (UGC), financial year of 2019-2020.
24. Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund, Nishat Tasnim Newaz, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2020): “Posture Recognizer Robot with Remote Sensing for Virus Invaded Area & People”, Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Jahangirnagar University. Vol. 8-9, 2020.
23. Basiran Nesa and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker (2020): “Analysis of Signal Strength Variations for an Urban Public University Campus in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 9 Issue 07, July-2020.
22. Nahida Habib, Kawsar Ahmed, Md. Binyamin, M. M. Sarker, K. M. Akkas Ali (2018): ”Classification and prediction of dengue fever from microarray samples by LDA based on PPI network”, Network Biology, 2018, 8(2): 65-82.
21. Md Tahsir Ahmed Munna, Shaikh Muhammad Allayear, Mirza Mohtashim Alom, Sheikh Shah Mohammad Motiur Rahman, Md Samadur Rahman, M. M. Sarker (2018): “Simplified MapReduce Mechanism for Large Scale Data Processing”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.8) (2018) 16-21.
20. M. M. Sarker and A. I. Shah (2017): “Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of Electronic Voting System (EVS) for Bangladesh: A Top-Down Approach”, Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30, Dec. 2017.
19. M. M. Sarker, T. A. Siddique, M. S. Khatun, S. M. Rakib and M. R. Riad (2017): “Worldwide Electronic Voting System – An Algorithm for E-Voting Database Management”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Vol. 6, June 2017.
18. M. M. Sarker, A. I. Shah, N. A. Tajim and, M. S. Uddin (2016): “An Approach of Automated Electronic Voting Management System for Bangladesh Using Biometric Fingerprint”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), Vol-3, Issue-11, Nov. 2016.
17. M. M. Sarker and M. S. Uddin (2016): "How Efficient An Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) Should? Answer From The Dominion Voting Systems Corporation", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), Volume 02, Issue 10; October – 2016, Impact Factor: 3.344.
16. M. M. Billah, M. N. Islam, A, Rashid, M. M. Sarker (2016): “Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer Augmentation of a Heated Circular Hollow Cylinder in a Lid-Driven Cavity”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Vol. 5, July 2016.
15. M. M. Sarker and N. A. Tajim (2016): “The Roadmap to the Electronic Voting System Development: A Literature Review”: International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-5, May- 2016], ISSN: 2454-1311, India.
14. Tareq. Hasan, M. M. Sarker (2014): “Information System for Designing a Robust and Structured P2P File Sharing with NAT Support”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), ISSN: 3159-0040, Vol. 1 Issue 5, December – 2014, p: 447-455, Germany.
13. M. M. Sarker and M. S. Uddin (2014). “Electronic Voting Algorithm and Its Algebraic Formation”, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology – Volume 10 Number 1 – Jun 2014, ISSN: 2231-5373, p: 26-33, India.
12. M. M. Sarker (2013). “E-Government Implementation for Bangladesh - Actor Network Theory (ANT) Approach“, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), ISSN No. : 2250-1797, Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2013, p: 81-92.
11. M. M. Sarker (2013). “EZW Algorithm and Computation of Its Coefficients for Image Compression by Using “Bottom-Up” Approach“, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET), ISSN: 2277-1581, Vol.2, Issue 6, 2013, p:532-538.
10. M. M. SARKER and M N ISLAM (2013). “MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE, CREDIBLE AND INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC VOTING (E-VOTING) SYSTEM FOR BANGLADESH”, Management of Sustainable Development Sibiu, Romania, Vol. 5, No.1, 2013, p: 15-21.
9. M. M. Sarker (2013). “E-VOTING EXPERIENCE IN BANGLADESH BY USING ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES (EVMS)”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), ISSN: 2278-9510, Vol. 5 No.5, 2013, p: 1143-1148.
8. M. M. Sarker, M K Pandit, A Sultana, M N Islam and M A Malek (2007). “Top-down and Bottom-up Algorithm of Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Transformation (EZW) for Image Compression: A Comparative Study”, Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 22, 2007, p: 21-28.
7. M. M. Sarker, A Sultana, M K Pandit and M A Malek (2006). “A Study of Information Coding & Compression Techniques Using Statistical Probability”, Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 21, 2006, p: 65-75.
6. M. MOZAMMEL HOQUE CHOWDHURY, K. M. AKKAS ALI AND M M SARKER (2006). “ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF A SUPERMARKET MODEL”, Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 21, 2006, p: 105-111.
5. M. M. Sarker (2000). “Techniques to use the Utilized Free Space of Hard Disk Drive (HDD)”, Revisited, Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 15, 2000.
4. M Kabir, M A Salam and M. M. Sarker (2000), ”A Simulation Model for Achieving Total Literacy, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Sciences, Vol. 22 & 23, 2000.
3. F. K. Patawary, M. S. Ahmed and M. M. Sarker (1998). On The Adequacy Of Different Ratio And Regression Estimators For the Population Mean: A Simulation Study. J.Math. and Math. Sc. Vol. 11, 1998.
2. M. A. Hoq F Ahmed and M. M. Sarker (1995), “An Estimation of Future Population in Bangladesh”, Journal of Staistical. Studies, Vol. 15, 1995.
1. M. A. Malek and M. M. Sarker (1989-92), “A Numerical Solution to a Stefan Problem”, Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4-7, 1989-92.
12. S.M Najrul Howlader, Biman Barua, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, M. Shamim Kaiser, Md Whaiduzzaman, “Automatic Yard Monitoring and Humidity Controlling System Based on IoT”, 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ICACCTech), February, 2024.
11. S.M Najrul Howlader, Shoma khanom, Md. Mukter Hossain, Sreekanta Sarker, Nur Mohammad, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, "Real-Time Traffic Control using IoT Nodes Based on Traffic Density Information”, 5th International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data, and IoT (ICCBI 2023), December 14-15, 2023, Tamil Nadu, India.
10. Khadiza Tul Kubra, Biman Barua, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, M. Shamim Kaiser (2023): “An IoT-based Framework for Mitigating Car Accidents and Enhancing Road Safety by Controlling Vehicle Speed”, 7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud), Oct. 11 - 13, 2023, Nepal.
9. Md. Ashraful Babu, Abu Sayeed Arif, Srikanta Kumar Mohapatra, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, Md. Mortuza Ahmmed, Jayashree Mohanty (2023): “Health Effects of Digital Device Usage on Students during Covid-19 in Bangladesh: A Statistical Approach”, THE 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES (ICCCNT), July 6th - 8th, 2023, IIT - Delhi, Delhi India.
8. Md. Rayef Enama, Subhasish Ghoshb and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, “Child Drowning Preventaion:GPS and LoRa Based Emergency Alert System, International Conference on Technology, Business and Justice Towards Smart Bangladesh, ICTBJ-2023, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, 05-06 June, 2023.
7. M. Mesbahuddin Sarker: “4IR to 5IR: Skilled People – Smart Bangladesh”, Panel discussion on “Leading the way: Navigating the Fourth Industrial Revolution a CEO”, 4th Industrial Revolution Skills Summit, North South University (NSU), Bangladesh, 15-16 March 2023.
6. Sohana Afroz, Tajim Md Niamat Ullah Akhund, Tarikuzzaman Khan, Md. Umaid Hasan, Rashida Jesmin and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, “Internet of Sensing Things Based Machine Learning Approach to Predict Parkinson”, 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2023), 20th - 21st February 2023 in London, UK.
5. Md. Jahurul Islam, and M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, “Dotriacontal/(Exclusive Hexadecimal) Number System in Computer”, 1st International Conference on Frontier in Sciences, Organized by Faculty of Science, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 11-12 November, 2022.
4. Ishrat Jahan Mouri, Biman Barua, Md Whaiduzzaman, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, Alistair Barros & Md Whaiduzzaman, “Predicting Online Job Recruitment Fraudulent Using Machine Learning”, 4th International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems (ICCCES-2022), (Springer), PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, 15-16 Sept. 2022.
3. Biman Barua, Md Whaiduzzaman, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, M. Shamim Kaiser and Alistair Barros, “Designing and implementing a distributed database for micro services cloud-based online travel portal”, 2nd International Conference on Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning (ICSADL-2022), (Springer), Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2022.
2. Sabrina Jesmin and Mesbahuddin Sarker, “User Behavior Analysis of Bangladeshi people on Mobile Device Usage”, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 19-20 December 2020 (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 16 February 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020-21.
1. Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund, Md. Abu Bakkar Siddik, Md. Moyej Uddin, Nishat Tasnim Newaz, M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, “IoT Based Low-Cost Robotic Agent Design for Disabled and Covid-19 Virus Affected People”, 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), 2020.
Dr. M. Mesbahuddin Sarker
Institute of Information Technology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 880-1716091920
Work Phone: 880-2-7791045-51 Ext. 1239
Email: sarker@juniv.edu
, sarker@juniv.edu