Sufi Mostafizur Rahman Professor, Department of Archaeology
A Professor of Archaeology at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman's outstanding work has been highly significant in the discovery and conservation of Bangladesh's heritage and history.
He was born in Kurigram in 1964 and c ompleted his Bachelor of History and Master of Archaeology degree at Jahangirnagar University.He obtained his PhD from Decan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute , Pune, India and the topic his research was " Archaeological Investigation in Bogra District". Professor Rahman completed his posdoctoral research as the Charles Wales Visiting Fellow at the institute of Archaeology, Universitry of London. He has participated in numerous national and international seminars, and has published over fifty reasearch articles in national and international publications. His first book titled " Archaeological Investigation in Bogra district" was published by the International Centre for Study of Bengal Art in 2000. In 2007, as part of the Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh published " Pratnatatvik Oitihya" and "Archaeological Heritage" which were edited by Sufi Mostafizur Rahman. He co-authored the book " Wari-Bateshwar: Shekorer Shondhane" alongside Muhammad Habibullah Pathan, which won the Prothom Alo Best Book of the year 1418, Chitta Ranjan Shaha Awards, Bangla Academy in 2012, and IFIC Bank Shahittya Puruskar in 2012. His book " Bangladesher Pratnatatvik Uttaradhikar" was recently published by Journeyman Books. " Bangledesher Pratnatatvik Uttaradhikar" received Shahid Munir Chowdhury Award 2017.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman has been working relentlessly for the Archaeological exploration and excavation at Wari-Bateshwar over twenty years. He also began exploration and excavation at Vikrampur in 2010 and Dhaka Old Central Jail in 2017. Not only is he a researcher who emphasizes field-work, but he is also an activist with an aim to conserve and spread awareness about the heritage of Bangladesh. With this aim, he has established an Archaeological Research Centre named ' Oitihya Onneswan'. Under his leadership, the "Bhai Girish Chandra Sen Museum"," Buddhist Lotus Temple Site Museum" and Wari-Bateshwar Citadel Open Air Museum have been established, and the establishment of "Gangariddhi Museum" is currently underway. For his work and contribution, he has been awarded the Suvechcha Shawrak Award by Selim Al Din Foundation and Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in 2011, Bangladesh Tourism Foundation Award 2012, Gayanolok Puruskar by Agrashor Vikrampur Foundation in 2015 and Vocational Excellence Award 2016-2017.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman has been designated Honorary Fellow, 2012-2016 by Bangladesh Tourism Foundation.He was secretary of International Council of Museums (Bangladesh National Committee)in 2017-2020.Currently he is the Chairperson of International Council of Museums (Bangladesh National Committee).
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Vicissitudes experienced by the oldest urban center in Bangladesh in relation to the migration of the Brahmaputra River, Journal of Quaternary Science, 2020 (1-11).Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Early Agricultural Systems in Bangladesh: Archaeobotanical Flotation Results from Early Historic Wari-Bateshwar and Early Medieval, Vikrampura in Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Science, 2020.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Settlement Pattern of Kotalipada Mud Rampart Area: an ethnoarchaeological analysis, Pratnatattva, 2013.
Dept. of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Bangladesher PracinItihas: Somosha, Somvabona o Uttoron, ‘Patharekha’ ‘Quarterly journal’, 2009.Edited by Nooh-Ul-Alam Lenin
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Banglay Nagorayon (Early historic to early Medieval period), ‘Patharekha’ ‘Quarterly journal’, 2008.Edited By Nooh-Ul-Alam Lenin
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, A Study on Terracotta Balls from Mahasthangarh Region, Journal of the Varendra Research Museum, Vol. 9, pp.57-62, 2004.Rajshahi
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Dhamrai Oncholer Kansha-Pitol Shilpa: Ekti Jatitatvik Somiksha (in Bengali), Pratnatattva, Vol. 10, pp.33-50, 2004.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Prachin Savar Onchole Manob Boshoti: EktiJatitatvik Somiksha (in Bengali), Pratnatattva, Vol. 10, pp.51-59, 2004.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Wari-Bateshware Prapto Kancher Puti: Ekti Pratnatattvik Somiksha (in Bengali), Pratnatattva, Vol. 9, pp.1-10, 2003.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Wari-Bateshwar: Bangladesher Bishmoykor Gourobmoy Oitihya (in Bengali), Itihas: Somokalin Oitiha shikde rKolome...,, Vol. 1, pp.159-168, 2003.Department of History, Jagannath University College, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), A Note on Ritual-Artifacts from Wari-Bateshwar, Pratnatattva, Vol. 9, pp.49-55, 2003.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), A Preliminary Excavation Report on Palashbari and Govinda Bhita, Pratnatattva, Vol. 6, pp.33-38, 2000.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, A Study on Glazed Ware from Mahasthan Citadel: An Implication for External Contacts, Journal of Bengal Art, pp.189-194, 2000.Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Recent Discovery of Rouletted Ware in the Mahasthan Region of Bangladesh: an Archaeological Perspective, Indian Museum Bulletin, Vol. XXXIV, 1999.
Published in 2001
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Recent Discovery of Glass Beads in Mahasthan Region in Bogra District of Bangladesh: an Archaeological Perspective, Journal of Bengal Art, Vol. 4, 1999.Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Semi-precious Stone Beads from Wari and Bateshwar, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Vol. 2, 1998.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Recent Discovery of Northern Black Polished Ware in the Mahasthan Region of Bangladesh: an Archaeological Perspective, Journal of Bengal Art, Vol. 3, 1998.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, The Semi-precious Stone Beads from Mahasthangarh: A Preliminary Study, Journal of Bengal Art, Vol. 2, 1997.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Pre-Muslim Settlement and Chronology of Savar Region, Pratnatattva, Vol. 3, 1996.
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Pratnatattvar Udvava o Bikash Prashanga: Ekti Anushandhani Protibedan (Origin and growth of Archaeology: An investigation into the matter), Pratnatattva, Vol. 3, 1996.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Bangladesher Pratnatattvic Charcha: Ekti Shamiksha (In Bengali) (Archaeological studies in Bangladesh: An Analysis, Pratnatattva, Vol. 1, 1994.Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Bangladesher Pratnatatvik Uttaradhikar, Journeyman Books, Dhaka, 2017.Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Wari-Bateshwar: Shekorer Shondhane, Prothoma Prokashon, Dhaka, 2012.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Archaeological Investigation in Bogra District (From Early Historic to Early Mediaeval Period), Dhaka: International Centre for Study of Bengal Art, 2000.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Pratnatattik Oitihya (in Bengali), Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, 2007.Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Archaeological Heritage, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, 2007.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Bihar Dhap (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Satyapir Bhita (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Salvan Rajar Bari and Kachari, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Ramshahar, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Pendants and Amulets, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Skander Dhap, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Vikrampur (in English & Bengali), 2018.History of Bangladesh Vol 1, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Wari-Bateshwar (in English & Bengali), 2018.History of Bangladesh Vol 1, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Recent Discoveries, pp.274-283, 2015.Bulbul Ahmed edited Buddhist Heritage of Bangladesh, Nymphiea Publication, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, ‘Janapada Punch-marked Coins from Wari-Bateshwar, Narsingdi, Bangladesh, pp.1-9, 2015.K. Krishna Naik and E. Siva Nagi Reddy edited Cultural Contour of History and Archaeology, vol. IV, pp. 1-9, B. R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Wari-Bateshwar, pp.681-689, 2014.History of Ancient India Vol. III, The Texts, Political History and Administration till c.200 BC ( Dilip K. Chakrabarti & Makkhan Lal Ed.) Vivekananda International Foundation & Aryan Books International, New Delhi,
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Mahasthangarh, pp.566-573, 2014.History of Ancient India, Vol III, The Texts, Political History and Administration till c.200 BC ( Dilip K. Chakrabart i& Makkhan Lal ED.) Vivekananda International Foundation & Aryan Books International, New Delhi
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Human Settlement: Chalcolithic Human-Settlement (in English and Bengali),, 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Human Settlement: Iron Age Human-Settlement (in English and Bengali),, 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Human Settlement: Historic Human-Settlement (in English and Bengali),, 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Tools & Arms, (in English & Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Beads, Amulets and Pendants , (in English & Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Coins and Currency System from Early Historic to Pre-Medieval Period (in English and Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Pottery, (in English & Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Entertainment, (in English & Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Transport & Communication (in English & Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Costumes, Ornaments and Cosmetics (in English and Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Architecture (in English and Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Urbanization: from Early Historic to Pre-Medieval Period (in English and Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Artifacts Miscellaneous (in English and Bengali), 2007.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1, Editor, Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, A Preliminary Study on Amulets and Pendants found at Wari-Bateshwar, Bangladesh, in Kalhar Studies in Art, Iconography, Architecture and Archaeology of India and Bangladesh (Professor Enamul Haque Felicitation Volume), 2007.Editors: G. Bhattacharya, Gerd Mevissen, Mollar Mitra and Sutapa Sinha, New Delhi
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Archaeological Investigation in Bogra District, Bangladesh, Gurudakshina: Facets of Indian Archaeology (Essays presented to Prof. V. N. Misra), 2005.Edited by Alok Kumar Kanungo, BAR International Series 1433
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Architecture (in English and Bengali), 2004.Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-1
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Pottery of Bengal, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Beads of Bengle, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Patharghata, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, SitakotVihara, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Vasu Vihara, (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Kanai Dhap(in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Balai Dhap (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (Co-Author), Wari-Bateshwar (in English & Bengali), 2003.Banglapedia, National encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, The Early Historic and Early Medieval Archaeology of Bogra District, 2002.Archaeology of Eastern India New Perspectives (Gautam Sengupta and Sheena Panja Eds.), Kolkata: Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training, Eastern India
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Archaeology of Wari-Bateshwar Region, Bangladesh, 2002.The 17th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Beads of Bangladesh, 2001.Bead Study Trust, News Letter No. 37. London, U. K.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Glass Beads from Wari-Bateshwar, Bangladesh: a Preliminary Archaeological Analysis, Journal of Bengal Art, Vol. 6, pp.201-209,Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, A Preliminary Report on Wari-Bateshwar Trial Excavation, pp.505-516, 2001.
By ICSBA in South Asian Archaeology: Historical Archaeology and Art History (Volume II). Edited by Jarrige C. and Lefevre V.
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Neolithic Culture in Bangladesh, Vol- 3, 2020.Amsadong Site Research Series, Edited by Kidong Bae, National Museum of Korea, Seoul.
Academic Info
Period: 1986
B.A. (Honours) in History, First Class First
Period: 1987
M.A. in Archaeology, First Class First
Period: 1999
Ph.D. Thesis: Archaeological Investigation in Bogra District, Bangladesh (From Early Historic to Early Mediaeval Period)
Period: 2001
Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow
Position: Professor/Chairperson/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Lecturer
Period: 1992- Current
Professor since 2004
Position: Project Director and Chief Researcher
Period: 2015-2016
Project Title: Vai Girish Chandra Sen’s Residence Conservation and Museum, Client: OitihyaOnneswan, Fund: High Commission of India, Dhaka
Position: Team Leader and Lead Archaeologist
Period: 2019 to till Date
Project Title: Cultural Asset/Historical Importance/Archaeological Survey of Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project (Mrt Line-1). Fund: NKDOS Consortium
Position: Executive Director
Period: 2006- Current
Founder of Oitihya Onneswan (archaeological research centre)
Position: Research Director and Chief Researcher
Period: 2000 till date
Project Title: Excavation and archaeological research in Vikrampura Region.Client: Agrasor Vikrampur Foundation. Fund: Ministry of Cultural Affairs, GoB.
Position: Research Director and Chief Researcher
Period: 2009 till date
Project Title: Excavation and archaeological research in Vikrampura Region, Client: Agrasor Vikrampur Foundation. Fund: Ministry of Cultural Affairs, GoB.
Position: Sub-Project Manager (Team Leader)
Period: August 2014- July 2017 (3 Years)
Project Title: Improvement of Research Capabilities for Postgraduate Programs of the Department of Archaeology, Jahagirnagar University through Archaeological Survey, Excavation, Conservation and Tourism in Wari-Bateshwar, Narshingdi under the HEQEP project 3rd phase UGC Academic Innovation Fund : ADB
Position: Team Leader and Lead Archaeologist
Period: March 2014- March 2015 (13 months)
Project Title: Fostering Community Participation in Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism (Mahasthangarh, Paharpur, Mosque City Bagerhat, Kantajeew Temple). Under South Asia Tourism Infrastructural Development Project (SATIDP) (Bangladesh Portion) Loan No. 2580 BAN-SF Contract No: BPC/SATIDP/S-2, Client: Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, Fund: ADB
Position: Deputy Sub-Project Manager (Assistant Team Leader)
Period: 2011 to 2014. 3 (three) years
Project Title: Education Quality Enhancement Program- Enhancement of Research Capabilities of the Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University through Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Investigation in Ancient Vanga and Varendra Region of Bangladesh. Client: University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Fund: World Bank.
Position: National Heritage Management Consultant
Period: May 2012 to Oct 2012. 06 (six) months
Project Title: Training and Capacity Building for Long-Term Management and Best Practice Conservation for The Preservation of Cultural Heritage Sites and World Heritage Properties in Bangladesh
Client: UNESCO, Dhaka in collaboration with Directorate of Archaeology (DoA).
Position: Assistant House Tutor, House Tutor and Warden
Period: 1992-2006
Position: Assistant Keeper
Period: 1990-1992
Department of Ethnography and Decorative Art
Position: Archaeologist
Period: Feb 1991
Project Title: Archaeological Survey in Gaibandha region, Client: Flood Action Programme, Fund: World Bank
Position: Chairman
Period: 2020-2023
(ICOM: International Council of Museums)
Position: Secretary
Period: 2014-2020
ICOM: International Council of Museums
Position: Member of Teachers Association
Period: 2017
Position: Senate Member
Period: 2015- current
Position: Vice President
Position: Vice President
Position: Life Member
Position: Life Member
Position: Executive Member
Position: Life Member
Position: Life Member
Position: Member
Editorial Board
Position: Member
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
Position: Member
Period: 2005-2008
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
Position: Member
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
Position: Member
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh
Position: Member
Position: Member
Committee formed by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Position: Member
Position: Member
Position: Editor
Jahangirnagar University
Sufi Mostafizur Rahman
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: sufirahman1964@juniv.edu